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One of the primary reasons for moving to a property like this is to be able to garden and grow a good portion of your own fruits and vegetables. Gardens are places to get dirty, touch earth, marvel at nature, and experience where your food comes from... it is just good for the soul.

  • 100% organic since starting in 2004

  • Owner did contract growing of organic produce (vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers) out of ranch gardens and orchards for the restaurants and hotels

Vegetable Garden

The Vegetable Garden offers approximately 450 sq. ft. of growing area. A general guideline for a summer vegetable garden is to plan on about 100 square feet per person. That's alot of vegetables! The 15 beds are positioned to take full advantage of the sun. All herbs for cooking are grown in a terraced bed adjacent to the Main House for convenience.

  • 15 new redwood raised beds 3' x 10' installed in 2013 lined with stainless steel gopher wire 

  • A complete watering system was installed at the same time to allow watering control of each bed

  • The watering system is controlled via an internet app that allows us to automate each bed separately, including rules about when to water based on air temperature


There are two orchards on the property. One is surrounding the vegetable garden. There is a large almond, Fuji apple, Shiro plum and peach which were already here. Since then, persimmons, pomegranates, apples, asian pears, quince, and raspberries were added. The older orchard, which was probably started with the 1928 Ranch house, has pear, plum, apples and figs. More apples and pears were added, plus elderberries and crabapples.

  • A new olive orchard was planted in 2017 with 32 Spanish Arbequina olive trees, known for their excellent tasting black fruits which ripen in the fall, as well as produce wonderful olive oil 

  • There are additional trees and fruits planted around the property; including Meyer lemon, kumquats, Bears lime, blueberries, strawberries, table grapes and black raspberries

Contact Timothy Rangel, Sotheby's International at (707) 280-1700 

© 2023 Big Dream Ranch LLC

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